Top plate conveyor chains: maximum transport safety, minimum wear
Top plate conveyor chains are particularly suitable when piece goods have to be transported that may also accumulate. The construction consists of a special hollow pin chain and dismountable top plates. In order to secure the plates tightly and safely there is a long pin attached to the bottom side of the plate, which feeds into the hollow pin of the chain and is subsequently affixed by means of circlips. Opening the chain for mounting the plate is not required.
An additional short pin twist-secures the top plates by meshing with the respective plate. The surfaces of the carrier top plates are smooth, and they are specially coated to increase wear resistance and corrosion protection. The distance of the sickle-shaped top plates to each other is minimal and allows for an unrestricted movement even around narrow bends. The bottom bearing areas of the top plates are sufficiently large enough to transmit the weight of the goods onto a guide rail.
Product information
Top plate conveyor chains (PDF)
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